(typically less than 7 seconds)

******* AT&T Ads********** (Look below for other companies)
Wireless from AT&T
Wireless from AT&T
Wireless from AT&T  Wireless from AT&T 
AT&T Camera Phone

******* MetroPCS Ads********** (Look below for other companies)
MetroPCS, Inc.
MetroPCS, Inc.

******* Hello Direct Ads**********
(Look below for other companies)
Hello Direct, Inc.
Hands Free Law 125x125 Hello Direct, Inc.
Hello Direct, Inc. Hello Direct, Inc. Hello Direct, Inc.

******* MegaMeetng.com Ads**********

Internet MegaMeeting, LLC
Internet MegaMeeting, LLC

******* Cell Phone Shop Ads********** (Look below for other companies)
cell phone accessories 80% off

******* Lets Talk Ads********** (Look below for other companies)
468X60 Banner Ad
125x125 - Banner Ad Summer Savings BestCarrierDeals.com LetsTalk.com LetsTalk.com

TEXT AD: (Verizon Android Blow-Out Sale at LetsTalk.com. The New Droid Incredible by HTC, price Too Low To Show. HTC......Motorola Devour FREE, Droid by Motorola Only $19.99. Restrictions Vary.) 

******* Wireless Emporium Ads********** (Look below for other companies)
Wireless Emporium - Cellphone Accessories on Sale Wireless Emporium - 75% Off Cellphone Accessories

******* Bluedot Ads********** (Look below for other companies)
Shop theBluedot.net - Free Shipping

******* All4Cellular Ads********** (Look below for other companies)
Bluetooth deal
Banner home 468x60

******* iTeleCenter Ads********** (Look below for other companies)
Toll free voicemail and virtual phone system.
iTeleCenter (COA Network)

******* Orion Gadgets Ads********** (Look below for other companies)
Free Shipping on Google Nexus One Accessories
OrionGadgets.com - Cell Phone Accessories

******* Handango Ads********** (Look below for other companies)
Mobile Apps
Handango Inc.
Handango Inc.
Handango Inc.

******* TV-Silencer Ads********** (Look below for other companies)
TV-Silencer (Limat Graphics Inc)

******* Pingo Ads********** (Look below for other companies)
Pingo One Dollar Promo for the World Cup

******* Web Hosting Wholesale Ads********** (Look below for other companies)

This page was last updated on 7/1/2010.  Accuracy of Ads are as of that date.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders.
Not responsible for typographical errors of any kind on this page or associated pages.